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NICET IB-PSC Certification Program: How System Integrators Can Elevate Expertise and Performance

NICET IB-PSC Certification Program: How System Integrators Can Elevate Expertise and Performance

Providing reliable and efficient in-building public safety communication continues to become increasingly important in modern society. Emergency responder communication enhancement systems (ERCES) can help save lives, minimize response times, and ensure the safety of occupants within buildings. It’s no surprise that the market continues to grow, creating more job opportunities for those deploying the systems.

However, becoming a system integrator (SI) that installs ERCES requires certain licenses and certifications, of which there hasn’t been a perfect all-encompassing training program up until now. To date, the most popular license is the General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL). It is a lifetime credential granted by the FCC that signifies individuals can adjust, maintain or internally repair FCC-licensed radiotelephone transmitters in aviation, maritime, and international fixed public radios.

Since GROL isn’t in-building specific, SIs learn the discipline but are left without the proper context on how to install these systems in the field. That’s why it’s important to consider the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) In-Building Public Safety Communications (IB-PSC) Certification Program in tandem. 


NICET is a non-profit division of the National Society of Professional Engineers. The institute offers certification for engineering technology professionals, including SIs. Within the broader category of NICET Certification Programs, IB-PSC is designed for engineering technicians engaged in the detailing and layout, installation, maintenance, and/or designing of in-building public safety communication systems. It covers everything from radio frequency theory, equipment mounting requirements, delivered audio quality scale, business software and mathematics, communications using project specifications and documents, site survey data and design tools, and interpretation and evaluation of surveys. The program has a three-level technician track and a one-level Design track that may be used independently or together to establish minimum qualifications for appropriate roles. Unlike GROL, which is a lifetime credential, technicians must recertify every three years. 

For SIs looking for comprehensive learning and reference materials pertaining to ERCES as well as the IB-PSC certification program, the Complete ERCES Handbook from the Safer Buildings Coalition (SBC) is a great resource. SBC is an independent, nonprofit organization providing thought leadership and education for public safety in-building wireless communication communities. This handbook provides guidance for designing, installing, and maintaining ERCES while assisting designers and technicians in preparing for NICET certification through practical exercises. Getting involved in this highly competitive and important industry is challenging enough without the ambiguity of how to proceed, and this handbook makes it just a bit easier for interested technicians to find their footing. 

If you’re interested in learning more about NICET IB-PSC Certification Program and/or SBC’s Complete ERCES Handbook, please contact

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